Getting Started

Right now Xerblin consists of a script (called xerblin) that uses a library package (also called xerblin) to build a simple IDE. The IDE only allows edits on files in a specific git repository. The default git repository directory is ~/.xerblin, but you can use -j (or --joy-home) CLI arg to set a different repository directory. If that repository doesn’t exist it will be created.

Install Thun

First get the latest version of [Thun](

$ git clone

or from the mirror:

$ git clone

There are several implementations in various languages.

Xerblin uses the Python implementation. (I assume you have Python installed already.) Copy the [implementations/Python/]( file to some directory on your PYTHONPATH (or set PYTHONPATH to your local Thun/implementations/Python directory.)

I used to use pip install --user --editable . but now it doesn’t work. The Python folks are deprecating the use of install but it’s not yet clear to me what to replace it with, so I’m waiting another year or two for the commotion to settle. They’re actively working on it, so some time in the near future this should be on PyPI again. In the meantime, I just set PYTHONPATH, see below.

Install Dulwich

Next, install the one (non-Thun) dependency, [the Dulwich Git-in-Python library](

$ pip install dulwich

Install Xerblin

Once you have Thun you can clone the Xerblin repo and install it:

$ git clone

Again, this is where I would like to use pip install --user --editable ./Xerblin but it’s not working right now, so instead I copy the [Xerblin/scripts/xerblin]( script to ~/bin (or somewhere else on PATH) and add the Xerblin/xerblin directory to PYTHONPATH.

E.g. (in bash, assuming the repos are cloned into your home directory):

$ export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/Thun/implementations/Python:$HOME/Xerblin
$ cp $HOME/Xerblin/scripts/xerblin $HOME/bin/xerblin

So, yeah… You add the xerblin dir to your PYTHONPATH and copy the xerblin script in your PATH somewhere and you should be good-to-go.

Run the xerblin script and proceed to the User Guide.